Last Updated on December 31, 2024

The following are some of our frequently asked questions. If you still have questions that are not answered below, or elsewhere on the website, please reach out to us at

1. Am I eligible to receive support?

We support individuals and families that are living in the village of Richmond, in Munster Hamlet, and the immediately surrounding rural areas. You will be asked to provide identification on your first visit to show that you live in the area supported by our food bank. 

If you are unsure whether you are in an area supported by us, please reach out to us at 613-292-7033, and we can direct you to other resources if you are outside our area. 

2. What does the food bank provide as regular support?

The food bank provides a variety of non-perishable food, such as soups, pasta and sauce, cereal, canned meat, vegetables and fruit, crackers, cookies, peanut butter, coffee, tea, etc. Unfortunately, we do not have the space to keep perishable items such as produce, meat and dairy, therefore we provide vouchers (gift cards) that can be used to purchase these items at a local grocery store. The amount of the gift card(s) is dependent on the size of the family receiving support, and the resources we have available. 

Support is available once per month, by request. If you require support, please see the Get Help page for more information. 

3. What if I just need something to help me get by this month, but I don’t need help every month?

We provide support as needed. This may be just one time to get you back on your feet, or more regularly if the need continues. If you require support, please see the Get Help page for more information.

4. I’ve already received support this month, but I’m running low. Can I get support again?

We understand that when you’re facing hard times, you may need a little extra help. If you need additional food to get you through the month on an emergency basis, please reach out to us at 613-292-7033. Please note that vouchers (gift cards) are only provided once per month. 

5. I have food donations that I have collected. How do I get this to you?

Small donations can be dropped off in the donation bin at King’s Your Independent Grocer. If you have a large donation, please contact us at to arrange a time to drop off at the Food Bank.